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Monthly Archives: March 2024

Fever - raised red rash, risk of "measles" and danger of complications

Fever – raised red rash, risk of “measles” and danger of complications

Young children have a fever and a red rash on their body. They are at risk for measles and life-threatening complications. Recommend vaccinations to be completed according to the criteria. Measles continues to spread Dr. Suwanchai Wattana Yingcharoenchai Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that from

4 vaccines that "adults" should inject to prevent disease

4 vaccines that “adults” should inject to prevent disease

Although adults have a stronger immune system than children. But for some diseases Even though we were vaccinated when we were children Immune levels gradually returned. reduced to the point that it is no longer sufficient for disease prevention. In addition, there are always new